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The course objective is to examine how the New Testament writers and the early Christian community wrestled with the implications of the story of Jesus for their lives and their communities of faith, while reading the New Testament writings in their historical, literary, social, and religious contexts. The course is ultimately designed to enhance Christian discipleship by studying afresh the story of Jesus and its meaning for communities of Jesus followers today. 3 CEUs. The cost includes $67.50 in tuition and an $8 registration fee.

HS101/BIB102 New Testament Survey in Its Contexts (CEU)

  • Students are required to attend 90% of the online session and complete the short assignment one year from enrollment, unless otherwise indicated in the course syllabus.


Cathédrale Saint-Antoine

Maison d'études liturgiques

Case postale 1846
Manassas, Virginie 20108-1846

Tél. : 703-396-7493 (L.-N. : 9 h-16 h HE)

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© 2017-2023 par la Maison d'études liturgiques de la cathédrale Saint-Antoine

Une organisation à but non lucratif exonérée d'impôt 501(c)(3) et une organisation caritative publique 509(a)(2) reconnue par le gouvernement fédéral : EIN 83-2618926

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