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This course is a second-year course designed to build upon previous studies of elementary New Testament Greek and to improve a student’s comprehension and skill through the reading of large sections of the Greek text and supplementing these readings with short explanations of grammar and syntactical explanations. The course centers on three core elements: reading/vocabulary, grammar/syntax, and interpretation (translation) of New Testament writings: 1 John, John, Acts, and Ephesians. 3 CEUs. The cost includes $67.50 in tuition and a $8 registration fee.

LANG101 Intermediate New Testament Greek: Readings I (CEU)

  • At present, this course has two components: a live synchronous portion that meets once a week (students select one of three separate times) and an online portion that includes elements to reinforce the course's objectives (students view at their own pace). Students are required to attend 90% of all live sessions and complete any assignments if the course is taken for credit.


Cathédrale Saint-Antoine

Maison d'études liturgiques

Case postale 1846
Manassas, Virginie 20108-1846

Tél. : 703-396-7493 (L.-N. : 9 h-16 h HE)

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© 2017-2023 par la Maison d'études liturgiques de la cathédrale Saint-Antoine

Une organisation à but non lucratif exonérée d'impôt 501(c)(3) et une organisation caritative publique 509(a)(2) reconnue par le gouvernement fédéral : EIN 83-2618926

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